Candidates for DTSAs

The table below lists packages which are fixed in unstable, but unfixed in testing. Use the testing migration checker to find out why they have not entered testing yet.

apache2checkCVE-2023-38709not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-24795not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-27316not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
c-blosc2checkCVE-2024-3203not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-3204not yet assignedno
chromiumcheckCVE-2024-3156not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3157not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3158not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3159not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3515not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3516not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3832not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3833not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3834not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3837not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3838not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3839not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3840not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3841not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3843not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3844not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3845not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3846not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3847not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3914not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-4058not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-4059not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-4060not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-4331not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-4368not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
cockpitcheckCVE-2024-2947not yet assignedno
filezillacheckCVE-2024-31497not yet assignedno
glibccheckCVE-2024-33599not yet assigned?
CVE-2024-33600not yet assigned?
CVE-2024-33601not yet assigned?
CVE-2024-33602not yet assigned?
hugocheckCVE-2024-32875not yet assignedno
node-es5-extcheckCVE-2024-27088not yet assignedno
openjdk-21checkCVE-2024-21011not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-21012not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-21068not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-21094not yet assignedno
openvswitchcheckCVE-2023-3966not yet assignedno
ovncheckCVE-2024-2182not yet assignedno
php8.2checkCVE-2024-2756not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
CVE-2024-3096not yet assignedno(fixed in stable?)
pycryptodomecheckCVE-2023-52323not yet assignedno
python-cryptographycheckCVE-2024-26130not yet assignedno
python-jwcryptocheckCVE-2024-28102not yet assignedno
r-basecheckCVE-2024-27322not yet assignedno
vtk9checkCVE-2021-42521not yet assignedno
webkit2gtkcheckCVE-2023-42843not yet assignedno
CVE-2023-42950not yet assignedno
CVE-2023-42956not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23254not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23263not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23280not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23284not yet assignedno
wpewebkitcheckCVE-2023-42843not yet assignedno
CVE-2023-42950not yet assignedno
CVE-2023-42956not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23254not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23263not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23280not yet assignedno
CVE-2024-23284not yet assignedno

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