
Descriptionlibpcp in Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) before 3.6.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via (1) a PDU with the numcreds field value greater than the number of actual elements to the __pmDecodeCreds function in p_creds.c; (2) the string byte number value to the __pmDecodeNameList function in p_pmns.c; (3) the numids value to the __pmDecodeIDList function in p_pmns.c; (4) unspecified vectors to the __pmDecodeProfile function in p_profile.c; the (5) status number value or (6) string number value to the __pmDecodeNameList function in p_pmns.c; (7) certain input to the __pmDecodeResult function in p_result.c; (8) the name length field (namelen) to the DecodeNameReq function in p_pmns.c; (9) a crafted PDU_FETCH request to the __pmDecodeFetch function in p_fetch.c; (10) the namelen field in the __pmDecodeInstanceReq function in p_instance.c; (11) the buflen field to the __pmDecodeText function in p_text.c; (12) PDU_INSTANCE packets to the __pmDecodeInstance in p_instance.c; or the (13) c_numpmid or (14) v_numval fields to the __pmDecodeLogControl function in p_lcontrol.c, which triggers integer overflows, heap-based buffer overflows, and/or buffer over-reads.
SourceCVE (at NVD; CERT, LWN, oss-sec, fulldisc, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Gentoo, SUSE bugzilla/CVE, GitHub advisories/code/issues, web search, more)
Debian Bugs685476

Vulnerable and fixed packages

The table below lists information on source packages.

Source PackageReleaseVersionStatus
pcp (PTS)jessie3.9.10fixed

The information below is based on the following data on fixed versions.

PackageTypeReleaseFixed VersionUrgencyOriginDebian Bugs

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