
DescriptionThis vulnerability in Apache Solr 6.0.0 to 6.6.4 and 7.0.0 to 7.3.1 relates to an XML external entity expansion (XXE) in Solr config files (currency.xml, enumsConfig.xml referred from schema.xml, TIKA parsecontext config file). In addition, Xinclude functionality provided in these config files is also affected in a similar way. The vulnerability can be used as XXE using file/ftp/http protocols in order to read arbitrary local files from the Solr server or the internal network. The manipulated files can be uploaded as configsets using Solr's API, allowing to exploit that vulnerability.
SourceCVE (at NVD; CERT, LWN, oss-sec, fulldisc, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Gentoo, SUSE bugzilla/CVE, GitHub advisories/code/issues, web search, more)

Vulnerable and fixed packages

The table below lists information on source packages.

Source PackageReleaseVersionStatus
lucene-solr (PTS)jessie, jessie (lts)3.6.2+dfsg-5+deb8u3fixed
stretch (security), stretch (lts), stretch3.6.2+dfsg-10+deb9u3fixed
sid, trixie, bookworm3.6.2+dfsg-26fixed

The information below is based on the following data on fixed versions.

PackageTypeReleaseFixed VersionUrgencyOriginDebian Bugs
lucene-solrsource(unstable)(not affected)


- lucene-solr <not-affected> (Do not allow to upload configsets via the API)
Versions 5.x and earlier are not affected by the vulnerability, since
those versions do not allow to upload configsets via the API.

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