Information on source package openimageio

Available versions


Open issues

CVE-2024-40630vulnerablevulnerablefixedvulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedOpenImageIO is a toolset for reading, writing, and manipulating image ...
CVE-2023-42299vulnerablevulnerablevulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedBuffer Overflow vulnerability in OpenImageIO oiio v. allows a ...
CVE-2023-42295vulnerablevulnerablevulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedAn issue in OpenImageIO oiio v. allows a remote attacker to ex ...
CVE-2023-36183vulnerablevulnerablefixedvulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedBuffer Overflow vulnerability in OpenImageIO v. and before all ...
CVE-2023-24473vulnerablevulnerablevulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedAn information disclosure vulnerability exists in the TGAInput::read_t ...
CVE-2023-24472vulnerablevulnerablefixedvulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedA denial of service vulnerability exists in the FitsOutput::close() fu ...
CVE-2023-22845vulnerablevulnerablevulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedAn out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in the TGAInput::decode_pix ...
CVE-2023-3430vulnerablevulnerablevulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)vulnerable (no DSA)fixedA vulnerability was found in OpenImageIO, where a heap buffer overflow ...
CVE-2022-41988vulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedfixedAn information disclosure vulnerability exists in the OpenImageIO::dec ...
CVE-2022-41981vulnerablevulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedA stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the TGA file for ...
CVE-2022-41837vulnerablevulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedAn out-of-bounds write vulnerability exists in the OpenImageIO::add_ex ...
CVE-2022-41794vulnerablevulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedA heap based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the PSD thumbnail ...
CVE-2022-41684vulnerablevulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedA heap out of bounds read vulnerability exists in the OpenImageIO mast ...
CVE-2022-41649vulnerablevulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedA heap out of bounds read vulnerability exists in the handling of IPTC ...
CVE-2022-41639vulnerablefixedfixedfixedfixedfixedA heap based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in tile decoding cod ...

Resolved issues

CVE-2022-43603A denial of service vulnerability exists in the ZfileOutput::close() f ...
CVE-2022-43602Multiple code execution vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput::close( ...
CVE-2022-43601Multiple code execution vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput::close( ...
CVE-2022-43600Multiple code execution vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput::close( ...
CVE-2022-43599Multiple code execution vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput::close( ...
CVE-2022-43598Multiple memory corruption vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput alig ...
CVE-2022-43597Multiple memory corruption vulnerabilities exist in the IFFOutput alig ...
CVE-2022-43596An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the IFFOutput channe ...
CVE-2022-43595Multiple denial of service vulnerabilities exist in the image output c ...
CVE-2022-43594Multiple denial of service vulnerabilities exist in the image output c ...
CVE-2022-43593A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DPXOutput::close() fun ...
CVE-2022-43592An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the DPXOutput::close ...
CVE-2022-41999A denial of service vulnerability exists in the DDS native tile readin ...
CVE-2022-41977An out of bounds read vulnerability exists in the way OpenImageIO vers ...
CVE-2022-41838A code execution vulnerability exists in the DDS scanline parsing func ...
CVE-2022-38143A heap out-of-bounds write vulnerability exists in the way OpenImageIO ...
CVE-2022-36354A heap out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in the RLA format parse ...

Security announcements

DSA / DLADescription
DLA-3518-1openimageio - security update
ELA-846-2openimageio - regression update
ELA-846-1openimageio - security update
DSA-5384-1openimageio - security update
DLA-3382-1openimageio - security update

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